In the 2015 National VocationalCollege Skill Competition, the competitors trained by our companybefore the competition received the excellent prize:
Shunde Zhengjingyi School uses GSK980TDcSystem that gains the 1st Prize of CNC Turning Machine Competition.
The competitor, Liuguojun, where from theChangzhou Institution of Higher Education, which gains the 1st Prizeof CNC Milling Machine Competition by using the GSK25i System
In the 2015 National Vocational College SkillCompetition, the machining competitions of vocational group (CNCTurning/Milling) are prepare at the beginning of the year; it finish at the 3rd July after the competitions of the selection of the Provinces and Cities,Player registration, Training of Pre-competition, Debugging of variousmanufacturers and Continued exchange of expert leaders are executed. In thiscompetition, the competitors who use the GSK’s system are more than theprevious years. The CNC Turning competitor He Jinhui and the CNC Millingcompetitor Yin Chao trained before this competition, are separately gain the 1st Prize by using the GSK’s systems.
In this competition, Earlier Stage: Ittakes the colleague one and half months to change the machine’s system andprecision detection; Middle State: Freely train the competitor, Practicallyoperate the machining; Later Stage: Before the competition, Zhang Delong, etc.from the GSK’s R&D department were treated the troubleshooting on the spotwith working overtime in Tianjin, which were debugged the machine tools withthe manufacturers; and therefore, it is laid an excellent foundation for thisconference. During the competition, the staffs in our company were work hardwith the full working enthusiasm and follow the guiding of the expert group.After the competition, patiently communicate and handle the equipment; so thatwe gain the good praises in the aspect of the system capacity and service fromthe experts, leaders and competitors based upon the mutual efforts.
Our company is fully communicate with theorganized school, and previously gain the marked position where is benefit forannouncing. The announcement data are faced to the entrance of the propagandacommunication hall, so that the Minister Luxin, Mayor Huang Xingguo andDirector Zheng Limei, etc., can easily focus on the GSK.
The exhibition area of the conference spotand education equipment are accompanied with the strong communicationatmosphere. Take this opportunity, we invite the Weizhi Agent and Yimacooperation enterprises, etc., as well the interested responsible persons inthe Colleges and Universities to communicate and visit on this conference, and understandthe dynamic market for popularizing the GSK’s products.
The competition has been brought asuccessful end, and the planning of the Colleges and Universities arecontinuing. We will consecutively announce the GSK’s brand and promote theproducts from GSK to help the Universities for planning the specialized coursesand calling for the bids, so that the products from GSK will step into moreuniversities for contributing more strengths for the educational development.